Banner Document Management (BDM) is a central database for maintaining all official academic, financial and personnel records at ODU, allowing you to scan paper documents and store the electronic content in a central location for secure access. BDM is integrated with Banner and Banner Workflow, so that new documents can be linked to information in Banner and automatically indexed. Additionally, a Banner Workflow can be initiated when a document is added, indexed, updated or deleted.
You must be connected to the on-campus network or the campus VPN to use this service.
BDM houses records from the Registrar, Admissions, Financial Aid, Human Resources and Finance.
BDM Access
Request BDM access online at Once you have been granted access, you'll be able to access BDM from the on-campus (wired) network or through the campus VPN.
Once you have access, you can use BDM in any modern web browser.
Using BDM
WebXtender Web App
Scan and access documents in the banner database through WebXtender ( from any computer connected to an ODU network, or through ODU's VPN.
Scan Stations
Dedicated BDM scan stations are located in departments that frequently scan to the banner database. Stations are equipped with a desktop computer and a document scanner.
To request a dedicated BDM scan station in your work area (or if you have any issues with your current scan station), contact your TSP.
Fax to BDM
ITS has developed a BDM integration for those who work remotely and need access to a secure digital copy of an incoming fax. PII and sensitive data are stored directly and securely within the application.
To set this up, contact More information about storing and transferring restricted business information can be found here.
Getting to WebXtender from Banner 9
To access documents in WebXtender from the new version of Banner, select RETRIEVE (Alt + R), or to add a document, select ADD (Alt + A).